Posts Tagged ‘Zack Ryder’

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The go-home edition for Money In The Bank was nothing special. Instead of going into extreme detail about last night’s happenings, I will introduce “Quick Thoughts,” where I will just bullet point my thoughts and analysis. Without further ado, here are my “Quick Thoughts” on Monday Night Raw.

John Cena really needs to cut out the cute promos. I will be honest. The “rip off his face and replace it with his butt”  and the “clan known as NNNNNN” lines made me laugh, but after all of the crap that Cena has gone through, why be funny?

Michael Cole really looks like a middle school principal when he steps up to the GM podium. I am waiting for him to give a Superstar a demerit.

Alicia Fox wonders why he she gets no respect. It’s because she is awful in the ring. Now you can pay $40 to see her again this Sunday when she defends her title against Eve!

The Usos/Hart Dynasty match was extremely predictable. This feud, if you can call it that, has lost all momentum.

Maryse is gorgeous. John Morrison tries to be Cena with his hokey promos, but they never sound good. His deadpan heel delivery was much better.

I am not going to even go into the “Santino’s Bunch” stuff.

Randy Orton v. Edge is always a solid match (minus Over The Limit). It is what happened afterwards that is worth talking about. Chris Jericho gives Edge the Codebreaker. then eats an RKO. Evan Bourne blindsides Orton and goes for the Shooting Star Press, but Orton counters it into a Super RKO. There aren’t many things these days that make me shout “OH MY GOD” at the top of my lungs and keep my mouth open for a good minute. That’s what I did here.

I like the Miz’s new serious side. His cocky bit is great, so this only makes him greater. Or more awesome.

Miz’s attack on Mark Henry would have been better if A) the laptop hadn’t mysteriously disappeared and B) the plastic garbage can hadn’t mysteriously appeared.

Florence Henderson. The Regal Bunch? Moving on.

News flash, Edge: Only Randy Orton hears voices in his head. You’re not Randy Orton. I was waiting for Edge to say “they counsel me, they understand, they talk to me.” Good thing he didn’t.

Nexus has been beating up people all night. Tarver’s face after they took out Yoshi Tatsu was f*cking freaky.

It takes only a flinch for Sheamus to run like a little baby? Talk about change of heart (or diapers for that matter).

It makes sense for Nexus to go over. It was 6-on-1 after all.

Yes, Michael Cole, we have seen handicap matches like this before. Even bigger ones! Remember that one time when Orton and Cena went up against the entire Raw roster? And didn’t Mr. Kennedy face the ECW roster on his own?

Sheamus didn’t hit one person with his chair. I’m just glad he didn’t hit Cena. I liked how the show went off the air.

This has been “Quick Thoughts.” Look for these in the future.

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Yoshi Tatsu & Gail Kim defeated Primo & Jillian Hall

Zack Ryder defeated Goldust

Chris Masters defeated Caylen Croft in a “Masterlock Challenge”

WWE Co-Women’s Champions LayCool defeated Kelly Kelly & Tiffany

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“Talk The Talk” Challenge

Are we going to see the same challenges as last season? What’s next? The Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Challenge? Anyways, the winner of this competition would receive a talk show next week. This challenge, unlike the others, is tailor made for the Rookie with the best promo skills. Last season, there was no doubt that Wade Barrett would win (I know, I was there). This time, Percy Watson won by a landslide. His topic, glasses, was served up to him, while the other Rookies received topics such as “moustache” (Eli Cottonwood), “pigeon” (Alex Riley), and “chicken” (Kaval). The story of the segment was seeing who could do the most with the least. Watson, Michael McGillicutty and Kaval stood out, while Lucky Cannon and Alex Riley were somewhere in the middle. Husky Harris and Eli Cottonwood struggled and need to get better.

My only wish was that during McGillicutty’s promo, he would have used his topic, “breath,” to say something along the lines of “you will say my name and perfection in the same breath.” Whenever he mentions his background, he shines. I still wish he was Joe Henning. I miss that guy.

But hey, at least Watson will get his prize. Last season, Barrett won his own entrance theme. That never happened.

“Showtime” Percy Watson (with MVP) v. Michael McGillicutty (with WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston)

The Pros are sitting on the ring apron as if they were in a tag match, which is a bit weird. This match was short and really put over McGillicutty as the cream of the NXT crop. What was even weirder than the Pros on the apron was how McGillicutty won (a sunset flip). Watson proved already during the evening that he is the best promo guy on NXT, but his in-ring skills are lacking. Watson is a tag team specialist and needs to branch out as a singles competitor. If he can find himself in the ring without help and pair it with his charisma, Watson would be a future Superstar no questions asked.

Titus O’Neil video package

I don’t understand why there is a package on O’Neil after he was eliminated. The Pro’s consensus regarding O’Neil was that he is an imposing figure, but needs to develop more in all areas of the business. He also needs to brush his teeth apparently. I guess this means that O’Neil will be back after getting some seasoning in FCW. If he does come back, he should be booked as a face.

WWE United States Champion The Miz (with Alex Riley) v. Kaval (with WWE Co-Women’s Champions LayCool)

This was the match of the season thus far. Riding some momentum after putting R-Truth out of action on Raw, Miz put together another great showing against Kaval. I’m sure the “internet geeks” wanted Kaval to get some revenge on Miz for Bryan Danielson, but that didn’t happen tonight. Kaval was also impressive; his reversal on Miz into a crossbody and especially his roll-through into a modified Warrior’s Way looked amazing. It did confuse me, however, to see LayCool trying to get the crowd into the match while Kaval was down. Regardless, Miz picked up the victory over Kaval with the Skull-Crushing Finale. Even in defeat, Kaval has looked exceptional every week and the show is his or McGillicutty’s to lose.

Eli Cottonwood video package

Survey says that Cottonwood is awkward in the ring and not intimidating even at 7 feet tall. My thoughts exactly.

Husky Harris video package

The Pros had more positive than negative to say about Harris. His body type and deceptive speed and agility work in his favor. If only he would stop harassing Matt Striker and start putting quality matches together.

Husky Harris & “Dashing” Cody Rhodes v. Mark Henry & Lucky Cannon

Speaking of quality matches, this wasn’t one of them. Since there was only about five minutes left in the show when this match started, it had to be over quick. Cannon and Rhodes have developed a rivalry. Rhodes goes over again, but look for Cannon to get one on Rhodes in the future.

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I don’t have much to say about tonight’s Superstars, so I am going to just give quick results. I will, however, have my normal comprehensive recap of Smackdown on Saturday. Be sure to check back frequently for new content.

Zack Ryder & Primo defeated Goldust & Yoshi Tatsu

Nikki Bella defeated Jillian Hall

Christian defeated Curt Hawkins

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Just when you thought it was safe, NXT pulls out all of the old surprises. An unexpected elimination? A dumb contest? A new host? We did get the first Pro’s Poll of the new season, but other than that, this episode brought back all of the bad that I had hoped was purged after Season One. Oh well. Let’s take a look.

The Return of the Keg Carry

New host Ashley (who is having some mic difficulties) brings out the NXT Rookies. She mentions that there is a surprise elimination tonight for whoever is in eighth place, but immunity can be won by winning (GASP) the Key Carry. The main problem with last season was all of the twists and turns that “WWE Management” took during the course of the season. During this season’s premiere, Matt Striker spelled out the season’s process. I guess that’s out the window now, too. I don’t want to go too in-depth about the competition. But here were some highlights:

Kaval’s reason for not competing (he didn’t want to wear his body out) makes perfect sense as compared to Michael Tarver just refusing for no reason.

In response to Michael Cole mentioning that he started for four years playing basketball, Josh Mathews said it was because he was home schooled and played by himself. That was HILARIOUS. Point Mathews.

Lucky Cannon wins and receives immunity. Titus O’Neil falls on his ass (or his face, really). I thought we were past this.

Percy Watson video package

Watson is the only Rookie who did not compete, so we get a video package instead. Watson has grown on me. He is very entertaining and he always has a smile on his face. It makes me feel like Watson isn’t a caricature, but just an extension of who he really is. Those are the Superstars who shine through. Watson is still green in the ring, but once he has that figured out, he will be in great shape.

MVP (with Percy Watson) v. Husky Harris (with Cody Rhodes)

Watson joined his Pro, MVP, at ringside for his match against Cody Rhodes’ Rookie, Husky Harris. This match was really slow. The first two minutes was a feeling out process, if you will. A lot of circling and a lot of broken grapples does not lend well to entertainment value. Harris looks a step off with everything that he does. Minus the botched kip-up (which was painful to watch), everything else just didn’t flow. His moves were very basic (elbow drops, scoop slams) and other than his explosive uranage slam, nothing impressed me. MVP wins with the 305 and does an excellent job selling Harris’ offense, which may have salvaged him just a bit. Harris refused to shake MVP’s hands after the match, which makes sense considering his Pro, Rhodes, would do the same.

Lucky Cannon, Kaval & Michael McGillicutty v. Eli Cottonwood, Alex Riley & Titus O’Neil

This was a short match which highlighted Cannon, Cottonwood, and Kaval. Cannon did a great job playing the face in peril while Cottonwood, O’Neil, and Riley beat him down. Cottonwood looked much better than he has in the past, but I’m surprised they put him on the heel team. With a babyface Pro (Morrison), it’s weird to see Cottonwood develop as a heel. Kaval got the hot tag and was able to hit the Tidal Crush and the Warrior’s Way. It’s funny how a man with such a low speaking voice can shriek so loud. Anyways, a good win for Kaval, who won’t be a clone of Bryan Danielson after all.

Pro’s Poll

Here are the results of the first Pro’s Poll:


Percy Watson

Michael McGillicutty

Alex Riley

Lucky Cannon

Eli Cottonwood

Husky Harris

Titus O’Neil

O’Neil is eliminated for being in eighth, which is where I had him last week. He gives a great exit promo, but like Cottonwood, O’Neil, though paired with heels, came off as a face. Not that it matters anymore, but just a thought.

Find out what happens NXT on NXT this coming Tuesday. In the mean time, check back tomorrow for my Superstars report.

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This season of NXT is only a few weeks old and it is already flowing much more smoothly than its Season One counterpart. Tonight, we had a Pro/Rookie tag team match as well as the first Rookie v. Pro match of the season. Mix in some video packages, awkward exchanges, and some Matt Striker abuse and we have the recipe for yet another episode of NXT! Let’s take a look, shall we?

WWE United States Champion The Mix & Alex Riley v. MVP & Percy Watson

The Miz and Alex Riley are a match made in heaven. If it wasn’t for the noticeable size difference, these two would be indistinguishable. Even with the instant rapport between the two, I liked how the Miz showed disapproval with Riley at points during the match. It makes the Rookie/Pro pairing actually mean something. Percy Watson is so entertaining, but he’s like a juiced up Urkel. He needs more experience in the ring to go along with his noticeable promo skills in order to complete the package. Miz and Riley win in a good opening contest. Riley is this season’s Wade Barrett and David Otunga rolled into one. He is the consumate WWE Superstar. Expect big things from him.

Titus O’Neil video package

O’Neil brings up his rough childhood and the lack of support and respect he had while growing up. His “working man” gimmick works better for faces (see: Dusty Rhodes), so having him as a heel doesn’t make much sense. He gets cheered later on for his “working man” comments. I am not sure that is the reaction the WWE is looking for when it comes to O’Neil. Either way, he needs to get better in the ring if he wants the respect he yearns for.

Michael McGillicutty (with WWE Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston) v. Titus O’Neil (with Zack Ryder)

The discrepancy in talent between McGillicutty and O’Neil is astounding. Nevermind the bloodlines. O’Neil is the most physically imposing Rookie on Season Two, but is probably the most green in the ring. Irish whip clotheslines and reverse chin locks won’t win matches in the WWE. Albeit, McGillicutty uses a swinging neckbreaker as a finishing move, but at least it looks brutal. McGillicutty (by the way, we were told that McGillicutty is his mother’s maiden name, which it isn’t) put on a clinic in less than five minutes. Perhaps O’Neil’s struggles are a reflection of his “Pro,” Zack Ryder, but I would be surprised if he doesn’t find himself in last place when the first Pro’s Poll is released next week.

Kaval (with WWE Co-Women’s Champions LayCool) v. Eli Cottonwood (with John Morrison)

Kaval and Bryan Danielson took a very similar route to the WWE, so it doesn’t surprise me that he is being booked the exact same way. Kaval took on Eli Cottonwood in a one-on-one match, and much like McGillicutty/O’Neil, the talent discrepancy is alarming. Cottonwood is as stiff as a corpse in the ring. He doesn’t sell well and his offense isn’t fluid. Kaval definitely carried Cottonwood through the entire match, but ultimately lost. Kaval did get some impressive spots in, including his reverse Warrior’s Way and the springboard enziguiri. Cottonwood wins with a reverse chokeslam-like faceplant/flapjack manuever. Whatever it was, Kaval was out. Like Danielson, Kaval doesn’t need wins to earn or maintain credbility. Cottonwood, on the other hand, needs all of the help he can get. I just hope Kaval actually wins at some point.

Lucky Cannon video package

We get to hear about Lucky Cannon, who is “lucky” because he survived a brutal assault that left him unable to speak or walk. That is quite the story (if it were true). I know the WWE wants to make Johnny Prime look “lucky.” How about he wins some matches out of nowhere or has a penchant for knocking off Pros? Unfortunately, Cannon’s backstory is a little too farfetched for me to get behind.

In the back, LayCool is trying to cheer Kaval up. They give him a present. It’s a “I ❤ LayCool” warmup. To further the comparions with Danielson, Kaval has been placed with two Pros who are total opposites of him. Kaval, however, is taking things in stride in order to learn and succeed, showing his disicpline and respect for the business. Will he snap or will he continue to silently accept his mentors? Stay tuned.

Cody Rhodes (with Husky Harris) v. Lucky Cannon (with Mark Henry)

Cannon would have his chance to prove how lucky he is when he faced Cody Rhodes in the main event. Last week, Rhodes said that Cannon would be lucky to last five minutes. so Rhodes makes the match a “Five Minute Challenge.” All Cannon would have to do is not lose within five minutes. That didn’t happen. Cannon lost in about 3:30. Cannon got some offense in, but the story told through the match was his lack of experience. Last season, Heath Slater beat Chris Jericho, but it happened halfway through the season. That was more believable considering Slater had several matches (and a win over another Pro in a tag match) under his belt. This was Cannon’s second match; there was no way he was going to win, no matter how “lucky” he is.  Good work. Storytelling is important and it worked out very nicely here.

Rhodes is an absolute stud. I have said it before, but Rhodes has shined while Ted DiBiase has sunk. He is getting better on the mic and his movement in the ring is so crisp. The step-up kick off the turnbuckle looked and sounded brutal. The Cross Rhodes at the end looked a little weird, but I think that was more Cannon than Rhodes.

Rookie Final Thoughts

With the first Pro’s Pool being unveiled next week, Matt Striker gave the Rookies one last chance to speak their minds. Riley went first and said that he didn’t have to beat up nerds on the school bus anymore because he gets to do it on NXT. Kaval (wearing his LayCool shirt) is next and mentions that he has had to work hard to get to the WWE and will prove size doesn’t matter.

O’Neil follows with a “worked hard for everything and everyone doubted me” promo, which went over with the crowd. I wish he would stop with the “make it a win” schtick. McGillicutty must feel the same way because he mocks O’Neil before claiming that he possesses no weaknesses. I wish he would throw the word “perfect” into some of his promos to pay homage to his father. Surprisingly, Cottonwood delivers what I feel was the best promo, promising to wait in the shadows and bide his time until it’s time to strike. Watson is next and he makes me laugh, but in a good way. The gimmick is a little over the top for my taste, but it works for him.

Cannon, fresh off his loss, pretty much said the same thing that he said during his video package. Last, but not least, Harris says he doesn’t need 45 seconds and instead beats up Striker. Harris hits his senton splash and bails out. No one helps Striker. Do I blame them? No. Does it make sense? No. Striker has been taking quite the abuse lately. I would love to see him snap and put on the argyle trunks again. Rhodes looks pleased with Harris and the show goes off the air.

Don’t forget to vote on next week for the first Pro’s Poll. Here is my Pro’s Poll based on what I have seen so far.

Michael McGillicutty

Alex Riley


Eli Cottonwood

Percy Watson

Husky Harris

Lucky Cannon

Titus O’Neil

Be sure to tune in NXT week to find out what happens NXT on NXT.


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Remember when the NXT Season One Rookies absolutely destroyed Raw two weeks ago? If I haven’t told you, that was one of the most compelling angles I’ve seen on Raw since the “PG Era” began. Well, that excitement is gone now because the WWE completely dropped the ball. I will explain more on that later, but last night’s Raw failed to impress. Sure, we had a WWE Championship match, but we also had some completely ludicrous things take place, too. Before I can continue to bitch and moan, let’s take a look at last night’s Monday Night Raw.

Vince McMahon/Sheamus/John Cena promo

Mr. McMahon is out first to open the show to address the Bret Hart situation. According to McMahon, he told Bret that he would have to make tough and unpopular decisions. He failed to do that and he was “relieved of his duties.” Well, it was fun while it lasted. In retrospect, how long did the WWE really believe Hart would stay? I was shocked when he was announced as GM, and other than making Batista quit and being jumped by Nexus (The NXT group), he didn’t make any waves (No, signing the Usos doesn’t count). McMahon says this is “closure” and I am not sure if we will see Hart again. If we do, please don’t make another lame “Bret screwed Bret” angle.

McMahon then announces that a new GM has been appointed, but that said GM wants to remain anonymous. How will he communicate, you might ask? Let me tell you. He will email Michael Cole, who will read the email aloud. WHAT. David Stephens of Wrestleview liked this idea because it allows the WWE to build up a GM without whoever it may be actually having to do anything. That is true, but really? Email? Michael Cole? Not only that, but it makes that annoying Apple/iPhone noise when someone receives a text message (or for those with Macs only, the noise when you finish uploading CDs on iTunes). We are really going to have to hear this for months, huh? On the bright side, it will absolutely confuse the hell out of my roommate, who is attached to his iPhone.

Cole got mail! The first order of business is for Nexus to receive contracts and that they will address the crowd tonight. I like that. Maybe the GM won’t be too bad.

As McMahon is leaving the ring, Sheamus’ music hits and the new WWE Champion makes his way to the ring. Sheamus looks forlorn and stressed. He tells McMahon that he doesn’t feel like he earned the WWE Championship because of the way he won it and wants to relinquish it. As McMahon reaches for the title, Sheamus pulls it back and puts a huge smile on. He had me. He really did. Yet, Sheamus takes the “I don’t care how I won it because I won it” road and even thanks Nexus for their “help,” even though he claims he didn’t need it. When Sheamus became WWE Champion in December, I couldn’t believe it. In June, after six months of gaining credibility, I’m okay with Sheamus as champion. He has grown on me.

John Cena makes his obligatory appearance and enters the ring. His promo was AWFUL. Why would you be smiling and joking when you just got jumped again and lost your title in the process? Like Sheamus, Cena is in a thankful mood. Cena thanks the GM for hiring Nexus so he doesn’t have to know whether or not they will show. He thanks Sheamus for his rematch clause and thanks Bridgeport because he thinks there is no better place for said rematch. I like John Cena. I really do. But sometimes, I want to duct tape his mouth shut. Duct tape? Really? Are you serious? (Sorry, Batista moment). The whole “let’s do a rematch right now” bit usually gets rebuffed by the heel champion, which it does. EMAIL! There WILL be a title match tonight and McMahon will be the guest referee. How anti-climactic. How will the no contest happen this time? Stay tuned.

Evan Bourne v. Chris Jericho

For the third time in a week, we get this match. Fortunately, all three have been gems, so there is no need for complaint. Jericho enters the ring with a brilliant facial expression and asked for yet another rematch with Bourne, putting his career on the line to do so. As soon as he said that, I thought he would lose (Jericho has a game show on ABC that premieres tonight). Yet, he did not, which was a pleasant surprise. This match was no different than any of the previous ones, but watching Bourne and Jericho is like poetry in motion (Sorry, Hardys). Jericho can make anybody look good and giving Bourne ample time to go over and display his skills has worked wonders already. Jericho wins when he rolls out of the way of a Shooting Star Press and hits the Codebreaker. Afterwards, it looks as if Jericho might show Bourne some respect, but slams him down to the mat. This “I am now the hunted” angle is definitely intriguing. I would like to see other up-and-coming Superstars (Yoshi Tatsu comes to mind) get a shot at Jericho. It could make for entertaining television.

Virgil is in the back and he’s a sad panda. Ted DiBiase enters and apologizes for his actions last week. Then DiBiase fires him. DiBiase has found a suitable replacement: Maryse. I ain’t sayin’ she’s a golddigger. We get the best line of the night when Virgil asks DiBiase what he will do for protection. “Go to the drugstore,” says DiBiase. Priceless (pun intended). This DiBiase/Maryse plotline will be something to watch. At least it gets Maryse out of the Divas division. Or does it? Maybe DiBiase buys her the Diva’s Title? Hmmm.

Josh Mathews is with the Hart Dynasty, who believes Bret got screwed again. Tonight is her debut on Raw. Finally, some new blood in the Diva’s division.

Natalya (with WWE Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty) v. Tamina (with Jimmy and Jey Uso)

Yeah, so much for that debut. The match lasted a minute before Nexus interrupted to make their public address.

Nexus promo

The NXT 7 are in the ring and ready to make a statement. They apologize. Oh boy. David Otunga says they attacked everyone because they love the WWE and would do anything to get noticed. Weird. Heath Slater says it’s nothing personal. Okay. Justin Gabriel says…something. I think he apologizes to Hart and the Dynasty. Darren Young, who acknowledges the nickname “Black John Cena,” apologizes to his white doppelganger and vows that he will get his title back. Skip Sheffield yup yup yups and asks what it does. Michael Tarver apologizes to his children.

Finally, Wade Barrett gets the microphone and actually says something important and not incredibly stupid.  Barrett answers on the questions that I asked myself two weeks ago:

“After beating everyone else to win NXT, what does Barrett have to offer to the other Rookies? Is there some sort of incentive?”

The answer? Loyalty. Nexus made a pact that no matter what, they would stay true to each other. Makes sense. Barrett also mentions that he has received his title shot back and that whoever is champion is on notice. He says the NXT 7 have formed a “Nexus” (Oh! He said it!) and will stick together.

Last week, they weren’t sorry. This week, they’re incredible sorry? What gives. The WWE (who has reportedly been booking this angle on the fly) is dropping the ball. They need to get it together or what has been lost (DANIELSON) will outweigh what has been gained.

Zack Ryder (with Titus O’Neil) v. John Morrison (with Eli Cottonwood)

This match was supposed to be Morrison v. DiBiase, but DiBiase comes out with Maryse and says he has better things to do, like do his taxes or play Mouse Trap (He didn’t say that).  Ryder comes out instead and we get a match of NXT Pros. Good for selling the show, bad for entertainment. Morrison wins with Starship Pain. Eli Cottonwood is creepy.

John Cena is walking around in the back and Mathews asks him what he thought of Nexus’ apology. He doesn’t accept it. Uh oh…

Eve Torres & The Great Khali v. WWE Diva’s Champion Alicia Fox & Primo

Why bother? The faces win. Fox walks out on Primo. Wouldn’t you?

Randy Orton/The Miz/Edge promo

Randy Orton is alone in the ring and, unlike Cena, accepts the Nexus apology. Orton even hopes that Barrett wins the WWE Title so that it’ll be easier to win it back.

The Miz interrupts and says what a lot of people think: “we are tired of you in the main event.”  Miz says that in time, he will hold both the U.S. and WWE Championships, something Orton, or no one else for that matter, has ever done. The Miz jumps Orton, who gets the upper hand before getting speared by Edge. Edge tells Orton that the “real fun has begun.” A Miz/Orton feud would be (sorry) awesome. Not only would it give Orton something to do while Cena takes his probable spot as #1 Contender, but it would further push the Miz into the upper echelon of the WWE. What better way for the Miz to get even better by going up against the biggest face in the company for the second summer in a row? Orton has never held the U.S. Title. Imagine that title program. So good. Hopefully, Edge’s ominous message won’t screw things up.

John Cena v. Sheamus (with Mr. McMahon as special guest referee) – WWE Championship

McMahon ended up not being the referee, but more of an “enforcer.” Sheamus definitely had the momentum throughout the match, giving Cena a beatdown. It makes Sheamus look good.

Anyways, the match ends in a no contest (Surprise!) when Nexus interferes and attacks Cena yet again. After he has been disposed of, Nexus and McMahon enter the ring and McMahon takes partial credit for everything that they have done. Nexus surrounds him and they look pissed, but then they all crack a smile. McMahon says that Nexus had him for a minute. A minute later, he’s getting his ass kicked.

The good news is is that McMahon must not really be behind Nexus. Thank goodness. That would have been the beginning of the end in terms of interest. The bad news is how many times are we going to see the SAME ATTACK every week? Look, a clothesline, a fireman’s carry slam, and a 450 Splash was cool the first time. BUT NOT EVERY TIME. Clotheslines don’t keep normal wrestlers down. DO SOMETHING ELSE. Sheffield has a cool finisher. Use that! This is getting really old really fast. After what happened two weeks ago, the WWE is sinking with this. Fix it now or prepare to lose what was unfathomable momentum.